Saturday, December 6, 2014

Ethyl Alcohol

 Ethyl Alcohol is an ingredient of PUREL Hand Sanitizer.

>The chemical name for Ethyl Alcohol is Ethanol
>Its chemical formula is C2H6O
>Alcohol is known to be therapeutic in moderate doses and, when taken moderately, alcohol has shown to decrease the risk of heart disease and the cleaning and flushing out of the kidneys.These acute effects include, but are not limited to, dehydration and central nervous system depressions. If kids consume this they're IQ may get lower and may have learning and behavioral problems.If adults consume this they may have  memory loss, inebriation, liver disease, and maybe even cancer.
>Ethanol can be fermented from many sources of starch, including corn, wheat, grain, sorghum, barley, and potatoes, and from sugar crops such as sugar cane and sweet sorghum. Because there has been an abundant supply of corn, most of the ethanol made in the United States is from corn.
>Its physical properties is that its a colorless liquid with a pleasant smell. It is completely miscible with water and organic slovent. Its chemical properties is that bit burns with a pale blue, non luminous flame to form carbon dioxide and steam. 
>In 2010 a study by the American Society for Microbiology, ethanol-based hand sanitizers were found significantly more effective at eliminating rhinovirus, the virus that causes the common cold, than washing with soap and water. In this study, results were the same whether subjects used a solution containing 65% ethanol or 80% ethanol.This study also found that hands cleansed with snaitizer remained disinfected for about four hours. Since hand-to-hand transmission is one of the most common ways of spreading viruses, the ASM recommends using ethanol-based sanitizers as a way of preventing the spread of the common cold. Also Ethanol is the main active intelligent in purell because baccteria have been unable to create a resistance to ethanol.

This is the chemical structure of Ethanol aka Ethyl alcohol.

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